Shafaq News/ Kurdistan's President Nechirvan Barzani today, Wednesday, congratulated teachers in the Region on the 62nd anniversary of the establishment of their union.

In a statement marking the occasion, President Barzani said, "On the 62nd anniversary of its establishment, I extend my warmest congratulations to the Kurdistan Teachers' Union Secretariat and all teachers and educators in Kurdistan. I wish them continued success and progress, and I express my appreciation and gratitude for their efforts and their fulfillment of the blessed educational mission of raising and educating generations."

"Teachers and educators represent one of the most important segments and pillars of societal progress," he added. "Therefore, we support their legitimate rights and demands in their entirety, and we emphasize that they deserve a good and secure livelihood. The role of teachers and educators during the days of the revolution and in the era of freedom, and their loyalty and steadfastness in difficult times to prevent the interruption of the educational process will never be forgotten."

President Barzani continued, "On this occasion, we recall with appreciation all the dear teachers and educators who struggled and sacrificed their lives for the freedom of their people."

Meanwhile, Kurdistan Region Prime Minister Masrour Barzani issued a congratulatory message on the same occasion, saying, "The Kurdistan Teachers' Union, which was established in the most difficult circumstances, has a bright and full record of struggles on both the organizational and professional levels, defending the rights and demands of Kurdistan teachers and the rights and entitlements of the people of Kurdistan."