Shafaq News/ The Leadership Council of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) wrapped up its fifth congress on Sunday, issuing a series of suggestions, recommendations, and operational mechanisms.

Talar Latif, the spokesperson for the PUK's fifth congress, told Shafaq News Agency, "all principles and member participation mechanisms for the fifth congress were presented. Bafel Jalal Talabani, the president, pointed out all procedures related to the preparatory committee and those that followed the congress."

She added, "The Leadership Council members introduced several proposals, and the meeting unanimously voted on all principles, mechanisms, and procedures concerning the commission and the congress. These will be ratified in an upcoming political bureau meeting."

Latif noted that "the organizational office and centers conference will be convened soon to elect members for the general congress. The Kurdistan National Union's fifth congress will span two to three days. This congress, held as scheduled, witnessed full participation from all Leadership Council members. They engaged in discussions and dialogues responsibly, keenly sharing their views on the timely convening of the congress."

"The congress was held in Erbil, and it was decided that the fifth congress of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan would have 600 members. This decision was ratified by the political bureau."

She also recalled, "During its meeting on 20th August 2023 at the political bureau's building in Kirkuk, the bureau engaged in an intensive dialogue on political dossiers, organizational and party affairs, and the fifth congress of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan as a party and democratic entitlement. It was resolved that the fifth congress would take place on 27th September 2023."