Shafaq News/ Kurdistan's Prime Minister Masrour Barzani met with Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia' al-Sudani and political leaders in Baghdad on Thursday, expressing hope for progress on resolving issues like public sector salaries and oil exports.

Barzani emphasized efforts by the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) to keep salaries out of political disputes. "We've fulfilled our obligations," he told reporters. "Now Baghdad needs to fulfill its responsibilities. I'm hopeful for positive news for our citizens."

The two sides agreed to continue talks next week, with oil exports from Kurdistan a key focus. The KRG and federal government have long disputed control over oil resources and revenue sharing.

Barzani said his visit aims to address a range of outstanding issues between the KRG and Baghdad, including securing salaries for Kurdistan's public sector and guaranteeing financial rights for its citizens.

Discussions also touched on the latest political and security developments in Iraq, he said.