Shafaq News/ Kurdistan's government will offer companies operating in the region tax breaks for up to 10 years, the chair of investment authority said on Tuesday.

Chairman Mohammed Shukri Saeed made the announcement at the 13th World Investment Forum in Abu Dhabi. He said that the Kurdistan Region is a "land of opportunity" for investors, with "a wealth of natural resources, a favorable investment climate, and a growing economy."

"There are many privileges for investors working in the Kurdistan Region," Saeed said. "Companies will be exempt from taxes for 10 years."

He added that the Kurdistan Region has a "bright future" due to its fertile land, abundant water resources, and new investment laws.

Saeed also noted that the Kurdistan Region has seen a strong recovery in its oil and gas sector. "Local companies and investors are major players in Iraq and are working in countries around the world such as Asia, Europe, Africa, and the United States," he said.

"Different investment opportunities are available in the Kurdistan Region. That's what you see many Chinese and Jordanian investors," Saeed said. "Our plan is to attract more foreign investors to the Kurdistan Region."