Shafaq News / Erbil, the capital of the Kurdistan Region, and Urmia province, Iran, signed a 20-point agreement, on Sunday, to strengthen bilateral relations.

In a press conference held at the Haj Omran border crossing with Iran, Erbil Governor Omid Khoshnaw stated that "the meetings held between the two sides included three axes; the continuation of last year's experience regarding receiving pilgrims to the holy shrines, which was for the first time through the Haj Omran border crossing, and it was agreed to develop this experience during the current year."

According to the preparations, Khoshnaw predicts that the number of pilgrims passing through the Haj Omran crossing this year would climb to over 500,000, up from 70,000 last year.

He continued, "The second axis included discussing preparations for the opening of a new border crossing between the two sides, the Sidekan-Kalshin crossing, which will have many economic benefits on both sides."

"The meetings' third axis included a quick review of previous agreements between the two sides. They signed a memorandum of understanding in January 2021, and in February of last year it became a formal agreement finalized in Erbil, and the agreement concluded today, consisting of 20 points that consolidate prior agreements."

"Previous agreements contributed to increasing the rate of trade exchange between the two sides by 25%," he explained, adding that "part of the agreement that was concluded includes the development of tourism relations between Iran and the Kurdistan Region, as well as facilities by endowment departments for pilgrims and cultural and academic relations."