Shafaq News / On Tuesday, Kurdish leader Masoud Barzani issued a strongly-worded statement condemning the missile attacks carried out by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard (IRGC). The attacks resulted in casualties and injuries among civilians.

In his statement, Barzani pointed out that Erbil has been subjected to dozens of missile attacks and drone strikes by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard and its allied forces since 2020. He emphasized that these attacks represent a clear injustice against the Kurdish people.

Barzani stated that the perpetrators of these crimes know well that their allegations, excuses, and claims have no basis. He argued that the aggression and repression against Erbil and the people of Kurdistan are attempts to divert attention from their own problems.

The Kurdish leader expressed his condemnation of the recent attack, stating that targeting innocent families in Erbil is a heinous act that cannot be justified. He emphasized that the attack is a stain on the perpetrators' character and lacks any honor or chivalry.

Addressing the attackers, Barzani's message conveyed that the sacrifice of Kurdish women, children, and civilians is not a source of pride for them. He made it clear that while they can take lives, they cannot break the will of the Kurdish people.

Additionally, the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) bloc in the Iraqi Parliament strongly condemned the "barbaric" missile attack on Erbil by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard (IRGC). The bloc considered the attack a blatant violation of the security and sovereignty of Kurdistan and Iraq.

The bloc called on the federal government to take immediate action to stop external aggression, protect national sovereignty, and prevent the recurrence of such violations by neighboring countries. They demanded the formation of a joint committee from the parliamentary security, defense, and foreign affairs committees to investigate the details of the attack and its impact on civilians.

The bloc urged the international community and the United Nations Security Council to take a firm and serious stance against the Iranian threat to Iraq and the region. They called for an end to silence regarding Iran's clear violations of international security and peace, especially in the Kurdistan Region.

Furthermore, the bloc called for an emergency session of the Iraqi Parliament to discuss the attack, urging all Iraqi political parties to openly condemn the criminal act and unify their positions against Iranian aggression and its breach of Iraqi sovereignty.