Shafaq News / Kurdish leader Masoud Barzani warned on Monday of the repercussions of the ongoing conflict between Turkey and PKK fighters on the borders of Kurdistan.

"In these crises facing the region, it is necessary for all Kurds to share responsibility to end the tensions." Barzani said in a statement.

He continued, “we are proud if inhibiting the Kurd-Kurd fighting for decades, but this should not be used to use force and illegal arms by PKK."

"Instead of supporting the heroic combat of Peshmerga against ISIS, PKK fighters have seized the liberated areas and styled themselves as the regional government, preventing citizens from rebuilding their villages." He pointed-out.

Barzani said, "PKK must return the seized areas to the legal authority of the region, and they must withdraw from all the areas they occupied forcibly."

PKK fighters are located in the mountainous areas on the borders of Turkey where they launch repeatedly attacks inside Turkish territory.

Ankara responds by launching air, artillery and ground attacks which resulted in casualties and left dozens of villages empty.