Shafaq News/ The President of Kurdistan region, Nechirvan Barzani, met with the Italian ambassador to Iraq, Maurizio Crikanti, on Saturday to discuss the relations between Kurdistan Region, Iraq, and Italy.

The ambassador expressed his belief that resolving the issues between Erbil and Baghdad would lead to an increase in foreign investment.

According to a statement by the Kurdistan Region Presidency, "President Barzani expressed his gratitude to Italy for its support of Iraq and Kurdistan Region."

The statement highlighted the positive atmosphere between Baghdad and Erbil, and the hope that the steps taken by the federal government so far will lead to a resolution of the issues.

President Barzani emphasized that "Baghdad is a fundamental partner for Kurdistan Region, and there is no other way for both parties except to resolve their issues."

The Italian ambassador considered his meeting with the President of Kurdistan region at the Munich conference in February as positive, and he stressed that resolving the issues between Erbil and Baghdad would attract more foreign investment to the country and the region.

During the meeting, which was attended by the Italian consul in the region, the two sides discussed the achievements and activities of Italy in Iraq and Kurdistan Region, as well as the general situation in the region and other topics of common interest.