Shafaq News / Kurdistan’s President, Nechirvan Barzani, congratulated on Monday the families of martyrs, the KDP officials, and supporters on the 75th anniversary of the foundation of the Kurdistan Democratic Party.

Barzani said, "The Kurdistan Democratic Party, along with the Kurdish parties, is the founder and main protector of the Kurdistan Region political entity, its gains, and constitutional rights."

The President added, "The KDP has extensive experience in administration, which is a reflection of the KDP's thought and its life-loving approach…”

He pointed out that KDP has the main role in the development of Kurdistan at the level of democracy, freedoms, human rights, and equality as it “enriched Kurdistan society with many human values.”

Barzani confirmed that the Kurdistan Democratic Party’s “hands” are always extended to everyone," adding that "our acceptance of each other's differences enriches our political experience and culture, and enhances its position."

On this anniversary, Barzani stressed the need for cohesion and unity of all Kurdish parties and components, as that is the “only guarantee to protect the entity of the Kurdistan Region, its gains, federalism and its constitutional rights.”

Barzani concluded by thanking the KDP’s members and masses, saying, "They have always been a model of steadfastness, sincerity, patriotism, and responsibility, and they made all sacrifices for the liberation and victory of Kurdistan."

It is noteworthy that The Kurdistan Democratic Party was founded on August 16, 1946, it is the largest party in Iraqi Kurdistan and the senior partner in the Kurdistan Regional Government.

The Kurdish President is also the Deputy President of the Kurdistan Democratic Party.