Shafaq News / President of Kurdistan Region Nechirvan Barzani is set to visit Iran for fifth time in 11 years, aiming to strengthen relations.

This visit, described by an official in Barzani's office to Shafaq News Agency as significant, follows extensive discussions with political leaders in Baghdad. President Barzani stated that it marks the beginning of a new phase in the relations.

This visit also comes following the recent "historic" visit of the Turkish President to Baghdad and Erbil.

Noteworthy, the relation between the Kurdistan Region of Iraq and Iran is multifaceted, influenced by historical, political, economic, and cultural factors. Geopolitically, their shared border shapes bilateral relations, with both entities having strategic interests in trade, security, and influence over Kurdish political movements. Despite occasional political tensions, Iran is a significant trade partner for Kurdistan, with economic ties including cross-border trade, energy cooperation, and infrastructure projects.

Security cooperation has also occurred, particularly in combating shared threats like terrorism.

While political relations can be complex due to Iran's influence in Baghdad, cultural and ethnic connections between Kurds in both regions often foster grassroots connections and people-to-people exchanges, serving as a bridge for diplomatic relations.

Mainly, the relation navigates a mix of cooperation, competition, and occasional conflict, shaped by geopolitical, economic, and historical dynamics.