Shafaq News / Kurdistan Region President Nechirvan Barzani offered his condolences on Friday for the loss of four hikers who tragically lost their lives due to flash floods in al-Sulaymaniya.

President Barzani stated, "I extend my deepest condolences to the families and friends of the four hikers who lost their lives in a tragic accident in Qaradagh district today."

He added, "In these difficult weather conditions, everyone should exercise extra caution and follow the instructions of the relevant authorities to prevent such tragic incidents from occurring."

Earlier on Friday, the administration of Qaradagh announced the death of several hikers due to floods. The district mayor, Rauf Kamal, told Shafaq News Agency, "Floods swept away four hikers near Awaspi village in Qaradagh district," explaining that "the water swept away one climber and trapped three others in a difficult location."