Shafaq News / Minister of Education in the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) Alan Hama Saeed Salih announced, on Tuesday, the Federal Government's approval to include the Region in the Iraqi-Chinese agreement for school construction, while confirming ongoing cooperation regarding the continuity of classes in federal schools in Kurdistan.

Salih stated, "Today, I visited Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani, and we held a meeting in the presence of the Federal Minister of Education, Ibrahim Namas Al-Jubouri, and the head of KRG Representation in Baghdad, Faris Isa, where we discussed several important educational issues."

"During the meeting, I conveyed the official letter from the Regional Council of Ministers and the list of teachers regarding the financial allocation for teachers in Kurdistan. KRG has taken all necessary steps and is awaiting the official response and results from Baghdad."

He emphasized, "Kurdistan's share in the construction of school buildings in the Iraqi-Chinese agreement has not yet been implemented. We presented an official letter to the Prime Minister to provide the region's share of school buildings."

The Minister continued, "Among the other meeting topics, we addressed the issue of education in federal schools in Kurdistan and the continuation of the educational process therein. In this regard, we expressed the Region's cooperation and coordination to continue the educational process."

Furthermore, according to Al-Sudani’s media office, the PM was briefed on the major challenges and obstacles facing the educational system in both the Kurdistan Region and the rest of Iraq.

"The meeting reviewed cooperation efforts between the Federal Ministry of Education and the Kurdistan Region’s Ministry of Education to ensure the continued effective curriculum implementation according to the academic year's timeline."

The Prime Minister highlighted the importance of providing "necessary resources to continue education for Arab school students in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq and developing alternative solutions to enable them to proceed with the current and future academic years."

"He also emphasized supporting the educational community to achieve educational goals and deliver educational services to all students in Iraq as part of the government’s strategy in its work program," as per the statement.