Shafaq News / The Secretary-General of the Kurdistan Socialist Party, Mohammed Haji Mahmoud, issued a warning on Tuesday regarding efforts by "enemies" aimed at limiting the geographical scope of the Kurdistan Region and undermining its economy.

In a speech commemorating the 47th anniversary of his party's founding, Mahmoud, known among the public as "Kaka Hama", stated that "our people, The Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG), the Kurdistan Parliament, the judiciary, and the political entity are facing critical circumstances."

He further noted that "enemies of our people are making various efforts to weaken our political entity, diminish the geographical scope of the Kurdistan Region (KRI), and disrupt its revenue sources." He emphasized that "these endeavors are ongoing and carried out under various pretexts.

Continuing his address, Mahmoud commented, "We say to the enemies that they should learn from history, starting from King Faisal and the subsequent leaders who ruled Iraq, up to Saddam Hussein, all of whom stood against the Kurds. Where did their endeavors lead them?"

He also advised the enemies to consider that their fate will not fare better than those leaders who opposed the Kurds. He stated that the Kurdish people will not surrender; instead, they will safeguard their land and homeland with their blood.