Shafaq News / Minister of Agriculture and Water Resources in the Kurdistan Regional Government, Begard Talabani, warned of a potential internal mass migration of Iraqis.

Talabani’s statement came during a press conference held on the sidelines of the annual Iraqi-British Business Council conference, titled "Iraq: Building a Sustainable Future," held in Dubai.

The Minister highlighted concerns during the conference, stating, "We have concerns about the future of the Kurdistan Region, particularly regarding climate change, which also impacts central and southern Iraq."

“The climate and environmental impacts on central and southern Iraq, causing water scarcity and the depletion of green spaces, will lead to the loss of fertile land and agricultural products. This affects food security and prompts migration from central and southern Iraq to the northern part, specifically the Kurdistan Region”, she added.

Talabani emphasized, "If the impacts of climate change are not mitigated, this migration won't be confined to the region or Iraq but will extend to other countries," stressing the need for international support to mitigate the effects of these climate changes on both the Kurdistan Region and all of Iraq.