Shafaq News / Vian Dakhil, the spokesperson for the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) bloc in Parliament, announced on Saturday an upcoming visit by a delegation from the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) to Baghdad. The purpose of the visit is to contribute to the finalization of the oil and gas law, with the intention of enacting it into law.

Dakhil stated to Shafaq News Agency, "Reciprocal delegations between the Region and Baghdad are underway. A KRG delegation is scheduled to visit Baghdad to sustain discussions pertinent to the oil and gas law's finalization. Subsequent to its approval in the Council of Ministers, the law will be forwarded to the parliament for formal legislation."

She added, "Central disagreements surrounding the law revolve around matters of export and oil fields, all of which are being addressed within the framework of the Iraqi constitution."

Furthermore, Dakhil emphasized, "Present differences are primarily technical and will be resolved through collaborative committees and joint delegations. The endorsement of the oil and gas law within the Council of Ministers hinges on the resolution of contentious issues between Baghdad and the KRG."

In a related development, the Ministry of Oil convened a gathering on August 17, 2023, assembling the working team responsible for drafting the oil and gas law. The session, presided over by Hamdan Awaijal, the ministry's advisor for administrative, legal, and supervisory affairs, featured the participation of key figures from oil corporations and ministry departments. The ministry's objective was to deliberate the blueprint for the oil and gas law and cultivate a comprehensive national strategy that optimizes oil wealth investment for public welfare.

Earlier in August, Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al Sudani initiated the establishment of a ministerial committee tasked with overseeing technical dialogues between the federal Ministry of Oil and the Ministry of Natural Resources in the Region. In addition, governors from oil-producing governorates—namely Basra, Maysan, Kirkuk, and Dhi Qar—were invited to partake. Directors-general from governmental oil companies also attended these ongoing technical discussions concerning the oil and gas law. The ensuing phase will entail political dialogues aimed at reaching a consensus on presenting the proposed law.

It is important to note that the oil and gas law remains a central point of contention between the federal government and the Kurdistan Region. Despite four previous parliamentary sessions, the parties have yet to reach an agreement.

Within the ongoing parliamentary session, political factions are diligently working to reconcile prevailing disputes, endeavoring to formulate agreements that accommodate all stakeholders for the eventual endorsement of the law.