Shafaq News / The Kurdistan Democratic Party issued a statement on Thursday in response to the incident of storming and setting ablaze the Swedish Embassy in Baghdad, while also condemning the recurring desecration of the Noble Quran in the capital, Stockholm.

Mahmoud Mohammed, the official spokesperson of the Kurdistan Democratic Party, expressed firm condemnation in a statement, "We denounce the storming and burning of the Swedish Embassy in Baghdad. Such actions are contrary to constitutional principles and international laws."

Furthermore, Mohammed emphasized, "We also condemn the burning of the Holy Quran and stand against any form of disrespect towards the sacred texts of all religions."

The spokesperson affirmed the party's support for Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani and the federal government "in taking legal measures to prevent the recurrence of such acts."

Earlier today, the Iraqi government made a decision to withdraw the chargé d'affaires from Stockholm and expel the Swedish ambassador from the country in protest against the permission granted for a demonstration where the Quran was torn and set on fire for the second time.