Shafaq News/ The Central Committee of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) described the US policies in the Middle East as "worrying for allies" with a "direct and indirect impact" the Kurdistan region of Iraq.

The committee convened earlier today, Wednesday, under the chermainship of President Nechirvan Barzani to discuss an agenda of six topics, an official press release said.

In the first section of the meeting, the committee discussed "international conditions around the world from wars, alliances, the change of the political and military equation, and crises. They commented that the American policies and programs in the Middle East have become worrying for allies," pointing out that "part of these implications directly or indirectly affects the Kurdistan Region."

In the second section, the meeting stressed the importance of maintaining good relations with neighboring countries, emphasizing "the need to respect countries' sovereignty, protect their security, and ensure that no threats are issued from the Kurdistan region to these countries, while considering shared interests in the political, security, and economic fields."

The third section discussed the status of the state administration coalition and the failure to implement the terms of the agreement upon which the government was formed, which they deemed "a serious concern with repercussions on the overall governance in Iraq."

Despite the withdrawal of some allied parties, the statement mentioned, "we support the Prime Minister of the federal government and hope that he overcomes the difficulties and challenges in implementing the government program."

The fourth section reiterated support for the Kurdistan Regional Government and appreciated its steps in resolving issues with the federal government, and its efforts in providing budget, salaries, livelihood, and security for the citizens in the Kurdistan Region.

The fifth section discussed the internal situation in the region, the KDP's stance on the parliamentary elections in Kurdistan, steps of the region's presidency, and the meeting with the High Commission for Elections in the region. It also addressed the KDP's steps to normalize the situation in the region and prepare a suitable ground for the elections.

"In this regard, the party will continue meeting with political parties and try to solve problems that could hinder the political process and elections."

The sixth section addressed the internal situation of the KDP, the work of the party's cadres, officials, and branches, commitment to internal regulations, attention to women, youth, and the families of martyrs, and its stance against attacks on the party.