Shafaq News/ On Monday, the Ministry of Peshmerga announced that it received a training camp used by the Hungarian forces.

In a statement, the Ministry said that the delivery ceremony was attended by the Hungarian Vice-Consul Miklos Sabo, the Hungarian Deputy Consul General in Erbil, the Deputy Director of the General Directorate of Military Training, Brig. Gen. Haris Habib and the Hungarian military training staff official, Colonel Virakush Chandor.

"This camp is located inside the infantry training center in Duhok, and the Hungarian military advisors used it to train and empower the Peshmerga forces." The statement said.

According to the Global Coalition data, since 2014, Hungary has been a member of the Coalition's Military, Communications, and Foreign Terrorist Fighters Working Groups.

 There are 170 Hungarian soldiers deployed to assist the Coalition's efforts, including training Iraqi troops.