Shafaq News / Former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson emphasized on Monday that the Kurdistan Region sacrificed much to attain its rights and urged the international community to support the rights of the Kurdish people.

This statement came during the reception of the Kurdistan Regional Government Prime Minister Masrour Barzani and his accompanying delegation by Johnson.

Both parties exchanged views on the latest developments in Iraq and the region, discussing ways to enhance relations between the Kurdistan Region and Britain, according to the statement. Johnson was quoted in the statement saying, "The Kurdistan Region has sacrificed much to attain its rights, and the international community should support the rights of the Kurdish people."

He affirmed, "the Kurdistan Region holds a special place for him," reiterating his commitment to continue supporting and assisting the Region, adding that direct flights between Erbil and London should be facilitated.

In response, Barzani expressed his gratitude to Britain for its continuous support for the Kurdistan Region, highlighting the "developments in Iraq and the region." He emphasized the importance of "protecting the rights of the Kurdish people and respecting the constitutional entity of the Region, ensuring the security and stability of Iraq and the region."