Shafaq News/ On Tuesday, the Ministry of Peshmerga announced that the Military Commander of the Hungarian forces, Lt. Peter Lustak stepped down from his post in the Kurdistan region,

The Ministry said that Minister Shoresh Ismail received the Commander of the Hungarian forces, Peter Lustak, and his accompanying delegation at the end of his duties in Iraq.

Ismail thanked the Commander's efforts alongside the Global Coalition forces, which played "a significant and influential role in raising the military capabilities of the Peshmerga forces."

The statement added that the Kurdish Minister also received Colonel Zollet Lauko, who will take up the role, declaring that the Ministry of Peshmerga would support coordination and relations between the two sides.

Ismail thanked Hungary for providing medical aid and treating the wounded Peshmerga forces in Hungarian hospitals, noting that the delegation affirmed that this process would continue.

Since 2014, Hungary has been a member of the Coalition's Military, Communications, and Foreign Terrorist Fighters Working Groups.

According to the Global Coalition data, 25 injured Iraqi soldiers were treated in Hungarian medical institutions.

Hungary provided 2.2 million euros to tackle crises linked to the terror of Daesh since 2014.

200 Hungarian soldiers deployed to assist the Coalition's efforts, including in the training of Iraqi troops; the current number is around 170.