Shafaq News / Kurdistan Region President, Nechirvan Barzani, received the top-performing students from across the region and their families on Monday, according to a presidential statement.

The gathering was attended by the Minister of Education and a number of ministry officials, where Barzani delivered a congratulatory speech to the accomplished students, expressing his well wishes and hopes for their future success.

He emphasized that the Kurdistan Region takes immense pride in its outstanding students and their families, and affirmed that scholarships will be made available to all top-ranking students in the twelfth grade of preparatory school this year, enabling them to continue their studies at local and foreign universities.

Additionally, Barzani extended his gratitude to the graduates' families, their teachers, the Minister of Education, and the ministry's staff, considering them integral parts of the students' accomplishments. He highlighted that these graduates at the preparatory level are the future leaders who can contribute to serving the community.

Moreover, he expressed his appreciation for the graduates' diligent work and dedication.

On his part, the Minister of Education, Alan Hamah Said, along with the graduates and their families, expressed their gratitude to the President of the Kurdistan Region for the scholarships and support provided.

During the meeting, various perspectives were exchanged regarding the educational process, its challenges in general, employment opportunities for university graduates, and several other issues related to the educational sphere.