Shafaq News / The Barzani Charity Foundation has contributed to securing the livelihood of dozens of families returning to Sununu in Sinjar district after its liberation from ISIS.

Barzani Foundation has undertaken basic and vital projects in the agricultural sector, which is a main source of living in the district.

Funded by Caritas, the Foundation provided greenhouses to plant and produce vegetables and fruits throughout the year, which would secure financial income for the residents.

Farmer Khairy Shamo, one of the beneficiaries of the project, told Shafaq News Agency that the displaced families who returned to Sununu suffered from unemployment and poor services, stressing, “Barzani Foundation's projects have provided an important source of livelihood. Families now depend on what they produce in their farms to secure their food and supply the local markets with the vegetables they need. "

Another citizen, Qassem Hassou said to Shafaq News Agency "farmers depend on well water to irrigate their lands, while the other needs have been secured by the Barzani Foundation," calling for "more support by providing more greenhouses and agricultural requirements for developing the agricultural sector in Sununu district."

The Barzani Charity Foundation (BCF) is a non-governmental, non-political and non-profit organization founded in 2005 in Erbil; Masrour Barzani is the head of BCF's Board of Founders and directly oversees the operation of this foundation.