Shafaq News / Hayman Hawrami, Deputy Speaker of the Kurdistan Parliament, announced that the regional government delegation currently visiting Baghdad had left no excuse for the federal government not to send the region’s share of the 2021 budget.

Hawrami stated that most of the meetings that the delegation is holding are with the Parliamentary Finance Committee.

He added that the Kurdistan Region supports the budget law draft, adding that the region’s delegation went to Baghdad after knowing that there are attempts in the council of Representatives to amend the law. 

Hawrami added that the delegation, during its meeting with the Finance Committee, did not discuss any problems on the tenth article of the law draft, noting that the dispute resides in Article 11 related to the handing over oil.

He explained that the delegation announced yesterday that there is no longer any excuse for the federal government and the council of Representatives not to send the region’s share of the budget, saying that the region either delivers 250,000 barrels of oil per day to SOMO or sends part of the revenues generated from Sell ​​it for raw.