Shafaq News / A security source revealed on Friday that Interior Minister Abdul Amir al-Shammari is overseeing a "security campaign" in Al-Basatin district north of Baghdad, indicating that the operation will be similar to that of Al-Battawin in the capital's center.

The source informed Shafaq News Agency that "under the supervision of Interior Minister al-Shammari, a major security operation has been launched in Al-Basatin in Al-Shaab area."

Notably, Colonel Muqdad Miri, the spokesperson for the Ministry of Interior, told Shafaq News Agency, "Al-Battawin Campaign is ongoing until this moment and will not end until normal life is restored to the area."

He noted that "the campaign has led to the arrest of more than 618 suspects in various cases," confirming that "similar operations will be conducted in several areas."

Al-Batawin was subjected to a comprehensive security and service operation last Thursday, the largest in years, uncovering an "underworld" of prostitution, drug manufacturing and trafficking, and organized crime.