Shafaq News / Two protesters died, and tens injured after a clash with security forces yesterday night, in Al-Tahrir Squarer in central Baghdad

This is the first confrontation between the security forces and the demonstrators since Al-Kadhimi took office as prime minister in last May.

 Earlier, Major General Yahya Rasoul said in a statement received by Shafaq News agency, "The Iraqi security forces have clear and strict instructions not to attack any demonstrators, unless absolutely necessary.”

He added, “provocation of the security is a matter driven by parties that do not want Iraq to stabilize."

For its part, the Commission for Human Rights announced that the security forces used live bullets, rubber and tear gas to disperse a demonstration in Tahrir Square asking the government to lead an urgent investigation.

The commission said also in a statement that casualties and injuries among the demonstrators, as well as injuries to the security forces are monitored.