Shafaq News / The US military base, Victoria, launched, on Thursday, an air defense system at a time when tight security measures were taken in the vicinity of the Green Zone and Baghdad airport. 

US concerned of a possible attack on its locations in Iraq from Shiite factions loyal to Iran in the one-year anniversary of the assassination of Iranian General Qassem Soleimani and the leader of the Popular Mobilization Forces, Abu Mahdi Al-Muhandis.

A security source told Shafaq News Agency that the new C-RAM system was activated on Thursday, and it is similar to the one in the American embassy.

Washington had always accuses armed Iraqi factions linked to Iran of being behind the attacks on its embassy and bases.

Earlier, General Kenneth McKenzie, the U.S. commander for the Middle East said "My assessment is we are in a very good position and we'll be prepared for anything the Iranians or their proxies acting for them might choose to do.”

"I do believe we remain in a period of heightened risk, I would just emphasize this key point, and we’re not looking to escalate ourselves. We're not looking for war with Iran; I really want to emphasize that."

"It is my belief that Iran doesn't want a war with the United States right now," he added.