Shafaq News/ The Iraqi President, Barham Salih, received US Senator Lindsey Graham on Monday in Baghdad.

In a statement, the Iraqi Presidency said the two sides discussed "the strong bilateral relations between the two countries and ways to enhance them in the political, economic and cultural fields ."

Both sides also highlighted the "importance of coordination to combat terrorism, face economic challenges, handle financial and administrative corruption, and cooperate in returning the Iraqi funds smuggled abroad, as well as work in the climate change field."

During the discussion of regional and international development, President Salih stressed the importance of "easing tensions in the region through dialogue and eliminating the terrorists' strongholds," pointing out that Iraq is an "essential axis for the security and stability of all regional countries."

In turn, Senator Graham confirmed the US commitment to supporting Iraq's security and stability and establishing relations in various fields."

The US Senator praised Iraq's "active role" in establishing security and stability in the region," according to the statement.