Shafaq News / The US embassy in Iraq confirmed on Thursday the United States ’commitment to a strong diplomatic partnership with Iraq, commenting on the news of withdrawing its staff from the capital, Baghdad.

The media office at the embassy said, according to the Russia Today channel, "The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is constantly working to make adjustments regarding its diplomatic presence in embassies and consulates scattered around the world in line with its diplomatic missions, the security environment in those countries, the health situation, and holidays.”

He added, "Ensuring the safety of American employees and citizens is our top priority."

The office continued, "We are not commenting on the details of any amendments, but we confirm our commitment to a strong diplomatic partnership with Iraq. Ambassador Matthew Toeller is still present at his head of work in Baghdad, and the diplomatic mission in Iraq continues to operate."

An informed government source revealed on Thursday that the American embassy in Baghdad has reduced the number of its diplomats due to security threats, and fears that it will be targeted in a qualitative operation on the anniversary of the assassination of Qassem Soleimani and Abu Mahdi Al-Muhandis.

The source told Shafaq News agency, "The Iraqi government, until now, has not been officially informed about the reduction”.

The source who preferred to remain anonymous stated, "many employees in the US embassy in Baghdad travel by the end of each year to spend Christmas holidays with their families”, noting, "this reduction is temporary.