Shafaq News/ A source in Shiite Coordination Framework confirmed that its forces are still discussing choosing a candidate for the position of the first deputy speaker of the Iraqi Parliament.

The source denied to Shafaq News Agency that the Framework decided to nominate a specific figure for this post.

"The meetings of the Framework forces are continuing to complete all necessary procedures of the new political process, including naming the head of the next government, as well as the candidate for the first deputy speaker of Parliament." The source said.

Hakim al-Zamili, the former first Spreaker, resigned from his position based on guidance from the leader of the Sadrist movement, Muqtada al-Sadr."

"It may take about ten days to select the most suitable candidate for the position as it requires a prominent political figure."

On Sunday, the State of Law coalition MP, Aref al-Hamami, revealed that the Coordination Framework would convene to nominate a candidate for the position.

Al-Hamami told our agency that calls and negotiations are underway between the Framework and other blocs to form the government after the Eid al-Adha holiday.

The resignation of Sadrist MPs has caused chaos in the Iraqi political process, which has been going through an impasse since the legislative elections held in October 2021.