Shafaq News / The Parliamentary Health and Environment Committee announced, on Sunday, that it will host the Minister of Health and Environment, Hassan Al-Tamimi, to discuss corruption files and the ministry's procedures to confront the COVID-19 pandemic.

Iraq has registered 252,075 cases of COVID-19, including 7,359 fatalities and 191,368 recoveries, according to the Ministry of Health.

Member of the committee, Jawad Al-Moussawi, told Shafaq News agency, “The committee will host next week, Minister of Health Hassan Al-Tamimi to discuss several files, including the waste of public money, the purchase of medicines, and complaints that were submitted regarding dialysis and cancer drugs", adding, "the Parliamentary Health and Environment Committee will also discuss the ministry’s measures to confront COVID-19, as well as the tests that are being conducted. 

The Parliamentary Health Committee said yesterday, Saturday, that billions of dinars were wasted in the corridors of the Iraqi Ministry of Health due to corruption that marred the file COVID-19 tests.

Corruption in the Ministry of Health is one of the files that has not been resolved since 2003. Currently, Iraq is importing medical equipment and medicines for COVID-19, amid a financial crisis caused by the drop in oil prices.

Iraq has been among the most corrupt countries in the world for many years, according to the Transparency International Index, as rampant corruption undermined the state institutions, and contributed to the inability of successive governments to provide basic services such as electricity, water, health services, education, etc..