Shafaq News / The British ambassador to Iraq, Stephen Hickey, commented on the assassination of the kidnapped lawyer Ali Jaseb's father. 

"The assassination of Jaseb Abboud Hattab is a horrific reminder of the threat to which activists and those who are bravely fighting for justice in Iraq are subjected," Hickey said in a tweet.

He pointed out that the perpetrators need to be held accountable, and no group should be above the law.

A security source in Maysan reported yesterday that the father of the currently kidnapped lawyer, Ali Jaseb, was killed.

 The source told Shafaq News Agency, "Unidentified persons riding a motorcycle opened fire in al-Maared area and shot dead Jaseb's father."

The Iraqi lawyer and activist, Ali Jaseb, was kidnapped on October 8, 2019.

 A surveillance camera documented the moment of the kidnapping, showing unidentified masked men apprehending him after a woman lured him.