Shafaq News/ On Thursday, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad stated that Iraq's political and economic role is crucial in the regional arena.

During his meeting with the head of the National Wisdom Movement, Ammar al-Hakim, al-Assad emphasized that Iraq's historical and geographical significance, along with its position on the regional scene, make it essential to the region. He further expressed that Syria views Iraq as a "twin rather than a brotherly country."

The two leaders discussed their countries' relations, political developments in the region, and the international changes that affect the Middle East.

Al-Hakim highlighted that dialogue with Syria's leadership benefits both countries and is necessary for all countries in the region.

He also noted that Syria's exit from its crisis would have positive outcomes for its neighboring countries as the stability of Syria reflects the region's strength in general.

Al-Hakim emphasized the need to enhance cooperation between Damascus and Baghdad, particularly in the political and economic spheres. He further stated that Syria's significance and interests extend beyond Syria and that political openness towards Syria serves the good of all countries in the region.