Shafaq News/ The Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) has set out the controversial issues it will tackle in the negotiations with the incoming federal government, KRG spokesperson Gutiar Adel said in a press conference on Thursday.

"The [Kurdistan Regional] Government plans to render the unresolved issues the bulk of the dialogue," Adel said, "we have always had our hand stretched for dialogues and negotiations with the federal government."

Adel said that the territories covered by Article 140 of the Iraqi constitution remain a key issue for the Kurdistan region.

"This article should be effectuated, and both the parliamentary and governmental committees in charge of its implementation should be reinstated," he said, "the people residing in those territories are living under unstable security conditions and relentless Arabization policy. This should end."

The KRG spokesperson said that the political forces representing the Kurdistan region in Baghdad should push for enacting a bill that ensures proper management of the region's oil wealth.

Iraq's legislative body is slated to convene a confidence vote on Prime Minister-designate Mohammad Shiyaa al-Sudani's cabinet later today at 0600 am.

That will end a thorny political deadlock that kept Mustafa al-Kadhimi's cabinet as a caretaker government for more than a year; the longest run for a caretaker government in Iraq's history.