Shafaq News/ A leading figure in the Coordination Framework rejected a proposal by powerful Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr to dissolve the parliament and keep Mustafa al-Kadhimi on the top of an ad hoc government to hold an early election.

Lawmaker Aa'ed al-Hilali told Shafaq News Agency that the Coordination Framework, a consortium of mainly Iran-backed Shiite political forces, is adamant about changing Mustafa al-Kadhimi's government.

"It is a matter of consensus among the member parties of the Coordination Framework. In fact, political parties from outside the Framework agree with this vision," he said.

"Al-Kadhimi's government has no powers. It cannot hold an early election," he continued, "the Framework forces are determined to form a government within the next few days. It is an irreversible decision."

Earlier today, the leader of the Sadrist movement said he would take a rain-check on his bloc's return to the Iraqi parliament, calling on his Sunni and Kurdish allies to follow his steps and withdraw from the legislature.

Salih Mohammad al-Iraqi, who runs a Twitter account named "the leader's advisor" and is widely believed to be al-Sadr's mouthpiece, quoted the maverick clergyman saying, "Our opinion on the return of the Sadrist bloc: it is strictly and absolutely forbidden."

"If we do return, our Sunni and Kurdish allies must approve the proposed solution, and I don't think they will...If this happens, there is no need for us to return, they would withdraw, and, then, the Parliament would be automatically dissolved," he said.

"The president of the republic and prime minister should stay on the top of the government to run the affairs and oversee the early election with assistance from others, Iraqis or internationals," he continued.