Shafaq News / Iraq’ Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi said on Friday the security leaders bore responsibility for yesterday’ twin attack in the capital Baghdad.

After an “exceptional meeting” of the Ministerial Council for National Security, the PM said, "Security is not just a word we use it in Media announcements, but rather it represents a responsibility. The lives of our people and our children are important, and whoever does not hold responsibility to protect citizens must step down from his position."

He added, "We promised our people that Yesterday’s breach (the twin attack) will not happen again.” noting that "there are challenges in the intelligence services that must be addressed urgently, and I will personally supervise this issue." 

"We have restructured the security and military forces, and we are working on a comprehensive security plan to face the coming challenges."

He added, "The security leaders bear responsibility, therefore they must train and empower the security forces to face the challenges."

The Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces added that "we will not allow anyone to use Iraq's security establishment in conflicts among political parties," stressing that "we should be professional in handling of the security situation."