Shafaq News/ The President of the Republic of Iraq, Barham Salih, ratified on Monday the Presidential decree on the Legislative elections, stressing upon the international "Observation" over the elections.

"The forthcoming elections are crucial, pivotal, foundational. It comes after a popular uprising demanding reform and course corrections. Securing the right of Iraqis to choose their representatives away from pressure, extortion, and votes stealing is a priority to recover from the residues of the past phase."

Salih invited the Iraqis to take part in the elections and express their will, "it is an opportunity to fulfill the noble aspirations of the people."

"Our votes shall be decisive and determined to ensure Iraq's transition to a more advanced, fair, stable, and independent stage."

Salih called for cherishing an optimal "political atmosphere" to ease the burden and attain "justice in the process of electing strong legislative and executive authorities that can maintain sovereignty, preserve the state and its prestige, and enshrines justice among the citizens."

The President laid emphasis upon "active coordination between the United Nations and the High Electoral Commission to secure the international observation and guarantee the integrity of the electoral process."

The President shed light upon the hurdles of the time in which the elections are being held "Coronavirus pandemic, security challenge against ISIS and outlaws. However, we trust the will of our security forces and the awareness of our people to secure the elections and voters."