Shafaq News/ The Iraqi President, Barham Salih, will visit the United States tomorrow, Monday.

A reliable source told Shafaq News Agency that President Salih's visit comes upon an invitation to participate in the meeting of the United Nations General Assembly.

Presidents of hundreds of countries are supposed to attend the meeting that will be held at the UN headquarters in New York.

It was announced that US Presidents Joe Biden, Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, German Frank-Walter Steinmeier, Venezuelan Nicolas Maduro, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, and Israeli PM Naftali Bennett, will attend the meeting.

French President Emmanuel Macron will be absent from the meeting, due to health restrictions. However, Macron has delegated Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian to represent France.

Last year, this major diplomatic forum was held online, as participants refrained from traveling due to the U.S. COVID-19 preventive measures against COVID-19.