Shafaq News / The Iraqi President, Barham Salih, described the attack that targeted the US embassy in Baghdad as a "terrorist".

Salih said in a tweet, "targeting diplomatic missions and putting civilians in danger is a criminal terrorist act that damages Iraq's interests and its international reputation."

"Such acts must be denounced, and are carried out in this specific time to hinder national constitutional entitlements represented by forming a government that is capable of protecting the country's sovereignty and citizens."

Earlier today, a rocket attack targeted the US embassy in the Green Zone, Baghdad.

A security source told Shafaq News agency that three rockets were launched from the Karrara area in Baghdad, and were intercepted by the US C-RAM defense system.

The Iraqi security forces seized the rocket launchpad from which the rockets that targeted the vicinity of the US embassy were launched, a security source reported.

In addition, The security media cell confirmed Shafaq News agency's reports regarding a woman and a child who were injured in the attack.