Shafaq News/ On Saturday, Kurdish President Nechirvan Barzani met separately in Baghdad with the Speaker of the Iraqi Parliament, Mohammed al-Halboosi, and the US Ambassador to Iraq, Alina L. Romanowski. The presidency said in two statements.

The meeting with Al-Halboosi discussed the latest political developments in the country. Both sides stressed the importance of supporting the Iraqi Federal Government to implement its agenda according to the political agreements that led to the formation of the incumbent cabinet, which is set to issue several laws.

Meanwhile, Barzani and the US Ambassador held talks about Erbil-Baghdad relations and the latest developments in the talks between the Iraqi Federal Government and the Kurdistan Regional Government to resolve the outstanding issues between the two sides. In this context, both sides stressed the importance of resolving the problems for Iraq and the Kurdistan Region and agreed that resolving the disagreements would contribute to stability in Iraq and the wider region.

For her part, Ms. Romanowski reiterated the US support for the dialogues and the efforts to resolve the issues between Erbil and Baghdad and expressed her appreciation for President Nechirvan Barzani’s constructive role and efforts to resolve the pending issues.

Discussions also covered the developments in the Kurdistan Region and the importance of unity among Kurdistan parties. In addition, the reorganization and reforms of the Ministry of Peshmerga, the development of relations of Iraq and the Kurdistan Region with the United States and expanding areas of cooperation, and other issues of mutual interest were also highlighted