Shafaq News/ The deputy of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK), Jamal Muhammad Shakur, said on Friday, that the upcoming parliamentary elections may be postponed for various reasons.

 Shakur told Shafaq News Agency, "Signs of postponing the elections have become clear… there is neither political, nor security nor healthy ground for holding the elections on their date next October," noting that "there are many political forces that want to postpone the elections, either publicly or unannounced."

He added, “the Sadrist movement boycotting is another reason for postponing, because all political forces and components  must participate in the elections.”

 "The election law, which requires amendments, the lack of readiness of the High Electoral Commission, and the political interference in the Commission’s work in several Governorates,” are a third reason.

 The Kurdish MP stressed, "The Patriotic Union of Kurdistan supports any political consensus to hold or postpone the elections."