Shafqq News / an Iraqi parliamentarian unveiled on Monday the allocation of 150,000 job positions, distributed among the country's provinces in accordance with their respective population proportions.

This development comes as part of the "appointments" section within the recently approved tripartite federal budget.

Yasser Al-Husseini, the leader of the National Hopes Bloc, disclosed to Shafaq News Agency, "A budget provision was voted upon, outlining the distribution of 150,000 job positions across the provinces based on their population ratios, beyond the initially established quotas for these regions."

He further elucidated that the reason behind enacting this provision stemmed from the fact that certain provinces had a limited number of appointments, such as Babel with 26,000 positions and Karbala with 24,000 positions, among others.

Moreover, Al-Husseini added that the parliament has decided to approve the allocation of 150,000 job positions continuously, in accordance with population proportions, rather than adhering to a fixed timeframe.