Shafaq News/ Iraq's Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani received a phone call on Sunday from UN Secretary-General António Guterres to discuss the conclusion of the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI).

A statement by al-Sudani's office said the talks touched on the relationship between Iraq and the United Nations, exploring avenues of cooperation, particularly in tackling climate challenges and managing water resources.

The phone call also addressed the situation in Gaza. Al-Sudani reiterated the need for major powers and international organizations to "fulfill their humanitarian, ethical, and legal obligations to halt the ongoing aggression, protect Palestinian civilians, and ensure their historical rights." 

The discussion included Iraq’s message regarding the timing of ending UNAMI's mission and reducing its staff, as well as bilateral coordination in this process.

Al-Sudani expressed appreciation for the United Nations' efforts and contributions in Iraq, acknowledging the organization's various programs and support during different phases, which have aided Iraq "in its journey towards democracy, reconstruction, development, and recovery from terrorism and dictatorship." 

Earlier in the day, al-Sudani met with the UN Special Representative for Iraq, Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert, to mark the end of her tenure. He attributed the Iraqi government's request to end UNAMI's mission to the country's current "political and security stability".

On May 12, Iraq requested the termination of UNAMI's operations by the end of 2025.

A statement issued by the media office of Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani said that based on the findings by the UN-formed Independent Strategic Review Team, Iraq's request for UNAMI to end by 2025 is a timeline sufficient for a responsible closure.

The statement added that the Iraqi government anticipates a UN Security Council resolution by the end of May in response to Iraq's request and the Independent Strategic Review Team's recommendations.

UNAMI is a special political mission established in 2003 by UN Security Council Resolution 1500, at the request of the Iraqi government.

Its mandate is to prioritize the provision of advice, support, and assistance to the government and people of Iraq in advancing inclusive, political dialogue and national and community-level reconciliation.

It also assisted in the electoral process, facilitated regional dialogue between Iraq and its neighbors; and promoted the protection of human rights and judicial and legal reforms.