Shafaq News / Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi, said today that the government will face the Federal Supreme Court's (FSC) decision to annul the food security bill with providing electricity to the citizens.

Al-Kadhimi said in a statement that the bill is supposed to provide social protection, protect low-income classes, provide job opportunities, as well as providing emergency funds to support the agricultural sector and dealing with the climate change crisis. 

He added that not implementing what the bill provides is equivalent to hindering the government's responsibilities to serve the people's interest, protect the poor, and provide electricity and services.

He added that the government calls on everyone to take the responsibility and face the challenges the country is facing, amid the current critical international situation.

Earlier on Sunday, Iraq's Federal Supreme Court dealt a blow to the emergency bill on food security and development.

Documents obtained by Shafaq News Agency showed that the court issued a decree to annul the controversial bill after a lawsuit filed by lawmaker Bassem Khashan.