Shafaq News / Iraqi Prime Minister and the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani conducted a midnight visit to the headquarters of the Ministry of Interior in Baghdad.

Accompanied by the Minister of Interior, Abdul Amir Al-Shammari, the PM met with a group of commanding officers and officials from various departments.

The PM’s media office stated that “during the meeting, Prime Minister Al-Sudani emphasized the necessity of addressing the administrative and technical needs of the intelligence and police forces. He stressed the importance of swift and effective security measures to detect and address criminal activities given the considerable government support for the security apparatus.”

The Prime Minister insisted that criminal acts, particularly homicides, regardless of their underlying motives, should be swiftly addressed to bring the perpetrators to justice.

“The Prime Minister further noted that assaults on economic facilities should be treated with the same severity as terrorist acts, underscoring that the security presence must be robust and capable of facilitating smooth developmental projects,” the statement continued.

Additionally, the Prime Minister encouraged officers to be firm and decisive in their decision-making, affirming his “full support in confronting any security challenges that could hinder the country's economic and developmental progress.”

Prime Minister Al-Sudani also reiterated the importance of “maintaining the momentum in pursuing criminals involved in drug crimes, highlighting the need for cooperation and coordination with neighboring countries.”

This commitment comes following significant strikes against drug traffickers who target the community, emphasizing the urgency of continuing these police efforts, as per the statement.