Shafaq News/ The Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) on Wednesday expressed readiness to engage in talks with the rival Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) and commit to holding an early parliamentary election in the Kurdistan region.

Earlier today, the KDP's politburo convened an ordinary meeting under the chairmanship of the Kurdish leader, Masoud Barzani, amid a heated row with Sulaymaniyah-based PUK.

A statement issued after the meeting laid emphasis on the ninth cabinet's government program, and the principles of the bilateral political and administrative deal in addressing the differences between the region's two leading parties.

According to the statement, the KDP has called for bilateral negotiations with the PUK and urged it on multiple correspondences to resolve the disputes away from media and statements.

"In compliance with the fourth point of the agreement signed by the PUK and KDP, both sides should support the government of the Kurdistan region," the statement said, "However, unfortunately, many hurdles have been placed in her way. And now, the problems are depicted as a personal issue with the prime minister."

The statement ascribed the PUK practices as attempts to "cover up their negligence", "impede reform and transparency", and "evade the political agreement the two parties concluded".

The bureau said that "amending the election law, installing the four constituencies law, and adopting the biometric system" should be given priority.

"In conjunction with the amendment of the electoral law, the Electoral Commission must be activated, and the vacant positions in it must be filled," it added.

"We call on the regional government to provide the necessary budget and administrative requirements for holding elections this year," it continued.

The statement demanded the region's president set a date for the elections in accordance with legal procedures.

"We call on all political parties in the region to support holding the 2023 parliamentary elections at the date to be determined," it said.

On the Baghdad-Erbil disputes, the statement said, "we support establishing fine and normal ties between the Kurdistan Regional Government and the Federal Government in accordance with the constitution."

"We believe that strengthening relations and adopting this approach will serve the Iraqi people in general, since all the issues have been resolved in the government program and the political agreement of the State Administration Coalition," the statement concluded, "we believe that it is necessary to adhere to the agreement and implement it."