Shafaq News / The Coordination Framework revealed today that new representatives have joined it, noting that the total number of MPs in its bloc has reached 94.

The source told Shafaq News agency that the Framework has been leading unannounced talks with some MPs whose names will be revealed in the next few days. 

For his part, the leader in the state of law coalition, Aref al-Hamami, said that serious talks have been taking place between the Coordination Framework, Sunni, and Kurdish parties, in addition to independent representatives, to form a large Parliamentary bloc. 

"Talks are still underway, and this coalition, which will include 140 MPs-and the number may increase- might come into the light in the next few days", he added, noting that this bloc will be large enough to choose a new President.

Yesterday, the member of al-Fatah alliance, Aa'id al-Hilali, told Shafaq News Agency that the announcement of the new bloc is contingent upon the failure of the mediation efforts aiming to appease the rival Shiite parties, in reference to the Coordination Framework and the Sadrist movement.

"The Coordination Framework parties have agreed with Kurdish, Sunni, and independent forces to form a large strategic alliance named 'al-Thabat al-Watani (the National Fortitude) Coalition'," he said, "it will be led by Nouri al-Maliki."

"The announcement will be made in a press conference later," he continued, "the bloc has not been publicized awaiting the developments in the relation between the Sadrist movement and the Coordination Framework. A conciliation might reshape the entire scene. In addition, the Supreme Federal Court's verdict in the appeal filed against Parliament Speaker Mohammad al-Halboosi's decision to reopen the candidature for the presidency of the republic despite the end the constitutional deadline is also a vital variable."