Shafaq News / The High Commission for Human Rights in Iraq reported on Tuesday, the demonstrations of Monday, October 26 and Tuesday October 27, 2020 in Baghdad and a number of governorates. 

The Commission stated that 70 demonstrators were injured in Baghdad, Karbala and Babel governorates.

About 20 protesters were injured and 91 rioters were arrested due to clashes with the security forces and some non-peaceful demonstrators throwing Molotov cocktails to the security forces, in addition to the use of stones by both parties and the use of liquefied gases Tears by the security forces to disperse the demonstrators. " it added.

The commission called on all parties to take utmost restraint and stay away from any clashes, calling on the demonstrators to "preserve the demonstrations peaceful."

It also called on "the security forces to protect the demonstrators and cooperate with them to preserve public and private property."