Shafaq News/ A leading figure of al-Dawa party called for dismissing the incumbent secretary-general, Nouri al-Maliki, following the controversial audio recordings, and the party's media office disowns his statements.

In a statement he issued earlier today, Ali al-Allaq called for forming a committee that investigates the leaked recordings attributed to al-Maliki and attempts to start a dialogue with other Shiite parties if they were proven fabricated.

"However, if the committee failed to prove they are, we shall pursue a correctional approach...first, we shall issue a statement that disowns those statements as they do not represent the policy of the party, and only the people who made them shall be held accountable for them."

"Second, we shall hold an extraordinary emergency meeting of al-Dawa on which we change the internal law of the party, annul the article related to the secretary-general, and elect a new leadership of the party," he said.

Al-Allaq called for committing to the approach of Iraq's top Shiite cleric, Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani, and martyrs Sayyid Mohammad Baqer al-Sadr and Sayyid Mohammad Sadiq al-Sadr, and rebuilding the ties with the Iraqi parties.

Later, the media office of al-Dawa party issued a press release that disowns al-Allaq's statements, stressing that it only represents his own point of view and not the vision of al-Dawa party.