Shafaq News/ A member of Al-Fatah's parliamentary bloc called for announcing the Speicher massacre a national day, lambasting the government's neglection of the compensations file.

Lawmaker Mohammad Karim al-Beldawi told Shafaq News Agency, "eight years after the tragic massacre of Speicher at the hands of terrorism and Baath remnants, the government failed to settle the give a proper closure to the case. The truth behind the crime and culprits and the fate of the missing people have not been revealed."

"The Speicher shall be forever remembered as a deep wound in the consciousness of the entire humanity. Many measures shall be taken to prevent the recurrence of such crimes," al-Beldawi said, "Speicher victims are numbers. No compensations and no progress on the legal level, not to mention the failure of the international community in tracing the culprits."

Al-Baldawi called for establishing a national monument at the location of the camp to commemorate the crime and a testimony of the atrocity of ISIS.

"The wound of the crime did not heal even though eight years have passed. There is no ointment for the tragic scars in the souls of the victims' families," he continued, lambasting "the failure of the successive governments, the tribes that neither condemned the crime nor disowned the perpetrators. The tribes did not exhibit a supporting position to the investigations of justice."