Shafaq News/ Implementing the Sinjar agreement is key for the success of the political process, Kurdistan's interior minister Rebar Ahmed said on Sunday.

"So far, the agreement is yet to be implemented. It is a key item of the deal the political parties stroke to build a new political process and form a cabinet," he told Shafaq News Agency.

"The agreement will ultimately bring stability to Sinjar after reconstruction and voluntary repatriation of the people, particularly the Yazidis," he added.

"Communication channels are patent between the federal and regional governments," said the minister, "we will convene today with the federal interior and defense ministers to discuss the execution of the Sinjar agreement."

"With Prime Minister Mohammad Shia al-Sudani, we have high hopes," Ahmed continued, "our massage today: we are supportive of the government and political process that we are a part of. We urge the officeholders in the federal government to implement the agreement."

"The Kurdistan Regional Government is committed to all the agreements it had with the federal government. The federal bodies, however, have failed to execute them, including the Sinjar agreement and Article 140 of the constitution," he concluded.